
A wellesley woman died from flu complications in what a doctor said was a ‘one-in-a-million case

A successful athlete and a mother of two, Price Meropol McMahon was 36 years old.
On the Woodland Golf Club green are Price Meropol McMahon (left), Jimmy McMahon, and their kids, Rosalie and James. Since their 2013 wedding, the pair has taken an annual shot there.

Price Meropol McMahon spent the first night of Hanukkah and the World Cup’s last game on Sunday at her parents’ house.

According to The Boston Globe, she started feeling feverish on Monday night. She had breathing issues the next morning.

McMahon, 36, was taken to the hospital in a hurry on Tuesday afternoon, where she passed away.

Her brother, Ian Meropol, told the newspaper, “I’ll always remember the doctor’s comments. “This is a case of influenza that occurs once in a million.”

Each year, millions of Americans contract the flu, and between 12,000 and 50,000 of those instances result in fatalities, according to the Globe.

However, finding someone like McMahon among them is exceedingly uncommon.

According to her family, the young, generally healthy Wellesley mother of two was an outstanding athlete who enjoyed Boston sports and played tennis, went skiing, and ran the New York City Marathon in under four hours.

She was preparing to run her first Boston Marathon the following year when she passed away.

Meropol remarked, “She was always tremendously intelligent, hardworking, and motivated; she was the one that everyone knew would succeed.

Her father and siblings spoke highly of her devotion to her family. Meropol recalled how his sister would take an early-morning flight to get home in time to put her kids to bed the same night when she worked her corporate job in New York.

According to McMahon’s father, Jeffrey Meropol, 71, “She never talked about her successes in business, or running, or tennis.” “Family was everything,”

He told the Globe that despite being the youngest of three children, McMahon always looked out for her elder brothers.

When my mother and I became older, she would be the one to take care of us, Jeffrey Meropol remarked.

This year’s flu season in Massachusetts is severe.

According to public health officials, the virus started weeks earlier than usual and has spread more quickly than in previous years.

According to the most recent state flu report, which was released last week, influenza severity is currently judged to be “very high,” with 4.35 percent of hospitalizations in the commonwealth being caused by flu cases.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that between Oct. 1 and Dec. 10, 33 million people are thought to have contracted the flu nationwide, according to the Globe. The complications of the virus have claimed the lives of 28,000 people.