
5 Right Ways to Manage Your Multilingual Website Content

Creating a multilingual brand identity has become crucial for global brands to deal with intense competition worldwide. Multilingual brands can better communicate with their target audiences and have a strong standing in a foreign marketplace. However, managing your multilingual content is challenging. You may need a robust translation strategy in place to make everything go right from beginning till the end.

When you have your website translated into multiple languages, it not just enhances its global visibility but also optimizes search engine rankings for diverse markets. Read this article to get a detailed understanding of the multilingual content significance and the right way to approach it.

Why Multilingual Content Matters?

Around 72% of people on the internet spend more time on native websites. And, there are only 25.9 % of native English speakers on the internet. These statistics make it quite evident why multilingual content is important to get more business opportunities in foreign markets. A multilingual brand is likely to build trust and loyalty in foreign customers because people can easily resonate with it. It also expands your overall brand’s vision and gives your brand an edge over the competition. And lastly, translating your content is a more consumer-centric and inclusive approach toward globalization that will help your brand easily penetrate a foreign marketplace.

How to Manage Your Multilingual Website Content?

Managing your multilingual website project for various regions can be time-consuming, costly, and challenging. Here are a few tips and guidelines that can help you effectively go about your multilingual content management and execution.

Use A Professional TMS 

Firstly, get yourself the best localization management system that contains all the tools that you may need to streamline your multilingual content and effectively manage everyday translation tasks. Using such tools, you can effectively keep track of your project progress and work on multilingual translation projects simultaneously. You can also get your TMS tool customized from a reliable LSP, and upgrade its specifications whenever you need to scale your business in a foreign marketplace.

Educate Your Team about Roles and Hierarchy 

Whether it’s the correct use of translation tools, or understanding their job roles, you must train your team on everything. You must make it very clear to your translation teams what you’re expecting from them and what they actually want to achieve. Having a sense of hierarchy is also important in the team. So, they know who’s reporting to whom, and which members have more authority to control things. At this stage, you can also define roles, such as project managers, editors, translators, administrators, etc.

Keep The Website Design Flexible 

It is important to keep the overall structure of your website flexible from the very beginning. This way, you can easily adjust your design to different translations. It is important to internationalize your website to make it easier for your translators to extract the source content from a website and translate it into the target language. It will not just save your translators’ time but also reduce the chances of errors that may occur in hard-coded content.

Adopt Machine Translation Post Editing Method 

To speed up the translation procedure and maintain good quality translations, machine translation post-editing (MTPE) is a method adopted by most global companies. In this method, you use professional machine translation tools for translations and then proofread them by expert translators and editors. Even when you get a professional enterprise translation solution from an LSP, they may use this method to maintain high work efficiency and prevent delays. Using this approach, you can manage more translation in less time, and significantly reduce the translation workload from your team.

Work With Data Analytics Tools 

In the end, it is crucial to know how your multilingual content is responding in foreign markets. You should make sure that the translated content is driving the expected results. For this, you use data analytics tools; these tools also come with professional TMS systems. This way, you will have a real-time evaluation of content performance data from different markets. Moreover, it allows you to make improvements in the content and follow the local trends to make your multilingual content seem more appealing to the target audiences.


If you have the right knowledge, tools, and resources, you can effectively manage your multilingual website content effortlessly. Make sure to get professional assistance from a reliable TMS to organize your content for various regions in one place. Professional TMS platforms also provide features to manage remote teams, create content calendars and glossaries, manage multilingual SEO, and translation workflow optimization.

So, you must do your research before choosing the best translation management tools for your multilingual content management.