
Impact of Globalization on the Translation Industry

Professional language translation services are in high demand like never before. Rapid globalization has made it important for global businesses to localize their brands to build lasting relationships with the target audiences. Local brand translations enable seamless communication between brands and customers. It also eliminates all language barriers and creates a brand resonance with local cultures. Moreover, translations help create brand awareness and enhance the overall brand visibility in a marketplace.

The translation industry market size is expected to grow to $ 73.6 billion by the year 2025. The increasing demand for translation services is directly related to the rise of globalization. The more businesses expand their roots to international markets, the higher the demand for translation services. Businesses can get a professional translation solution for enterprises. They can also get help from a localization management platform to effectively handle their brand translation needs.  

Influence of Professional Translations on Global Brands

The diversity of languages and cultures in different regions can come in the way of your brand expansion if you don’t localize it. Professional translation makes your brand look native, enhances your customer’s brand experience, and influences them to buy from you. People don’t like to buy from brands to whom they can’t connect. For any business to scale its brand in a market, creating customer resonance is the most important thing. Getting a professional enterprise translation solution helps brands to communicate better with their customers and build a strong relationship with them. Globalization, which allows world cultures to interact with each other, also brings up challenges for new brands to adapt themselves to fit in the diversified environments.

How Is Globalization Affecting the Translation Sector?

Brand Localization

Changing Customer Buying Behaviors

With more brands coming into the market, the expectation of customers also gets higher. Intense competition has made it tougher for brands to survive in a global marketplace. Customers have a lot of options to choose from, and they are going to buy from the brand that seems more relevant to their core needs. Recently, COVID has drastically raised the demand for online shopping platforms. Especially, e-commerce stores need to translate their websites to make it easier for customers to navigate through the platform and find the required products more easily.

Asian Languages Will Be High in Demand

Globalization has made more western brands move towards Asian markets. With the increasing purchasing power of middle-class people in developing Asian countries, there are high opportunities for western businesses to serve big markets with a large number of customers. Language translations increase the convincing power of companies, and they can make more customers buy from them. China, India, Korea, and Japan are quite lucrative markets for international brand; however, language could be the barrier. People in these markets are not very good at English, so translating your brand into the local language is important. You can also get your brand content translated into multiple Asian languages with a professional translation solution for enterprises.

Raise of AI-Powered Translations 

With the emergence of language translation trends and increasing demands for localized brands, many AI machine translation options are also coming into the market. If you are using a translation management system or a localization management platform, it probably has a built-in machine translation tool powered by AI. Machine translation tools are becoming more effective and provide accurate results with high relevance to the original brand message. Globalization has accelerated the rise of AI technology in the translation industry. Moreover, the use of advanced translation tools has significantly improved the work efficiency of translators and helped achieve high-quality translation outcomes in less time.

High Demand for Transcreations and Localizations

translation services provider

Globalization has also increased the demand for transcreation and localization services along with direct translations. Transcreations and localization go a few steps forward from translations. Transcreation is like copywriting, where you don’t really have to do the direct translations of the text. The purpose of transcreation is not just to translate the words but also to translate the core values of a brand and emotions. Businesses do transcreations for their website, marketing, and promotional content, so the core message of the brand doesn’t get lost in translations.

Similarly, localization adapts all aspects of your brands, including content translations. Companies now focus more on localizing the whole brand for every new region they target. It also eliminates cultural gaps and helps a brand smoothly penetrate a foreign market.

Final Verdict!

Globalization is the key factor behind the rapid growth of the translation industry worldwide. Companies adopt a localization approach and connect with their target audience more effectively to get the most out of global business opportunities. Get your hands on a reliable enterprise translation solution to make your global journey smooth and hassle-free. A professional translation and localization management platform that you can use to manage multiple translation projects simultaneously.