
What is the Metaverse? An Comprehensive Guide

One of the most anticipated types of technology in the world, the metaverse, was discussed at the most recent Expo in Dubai. Thanks to the metaverse and its cutting-edge technology, dreams can come true. Imagine a virtual reality where billions of people may communicate with one another, learn, shop, and live their lives comfortably on their couches in the real world.

In this universe, the computer displays we use to access the world wide web have transformed into portals into an actual, three-dimensional virtual world that is more expansive and superior to the real world. Digital replicas of ourselves called avatars travel freely between experiences while carrying our identities and money.

The surpassing demand and the continuous development in the metaverse have now been seen in the live streaming services where you can reach billions of people in just a click. Not just that but you will be able to talk just like physically and that too in the digital space. Isn’t it cool? The Facebook parent organization “Meta” and big corporate organizations like Google and IBM are spending billions of money just to invent such technology. And here in this blog, we are going to talk about the recent developments and future scope of it in businesses and how it is going to change our whole lifestyle and trends. So let’s get started with a brief history of the metaverse and its evolution. 

A Brief About Metaverse

A single, shared, immersive, persistent, 3D virtual realm where people can experience life in ways they couldn’t in the real world is what many in the computer industry refer to as the “metaverse.”

While some of the technologies that allow access to this virtual world, like virtual reality (VR) headsets and augmented reality (AR) glasses, are developing quickly, other essential elements of the metaverse, like sufficient bandwidth or interoperability standards, are probably years away from becoming a reality or may never become one. The concept is not new but the research and development to make the vision into reality are taking time. But we can now see and witness a lot of things like how telephones have now converted into internet-enabled smartphones or we can say mini computers. 

However, in the event tech industry, the metaverse is helping by activation of gamification, VR and AR. As you yourself can imagine that there was a time when you needed to host an in-person event to call hundreds of people for a seminar. But is it needed now? Simply no as there is a webinar hosting service provider in place. 

With regards to the metaverse, there is a lot of confusion, sometimes it is counted in the internet of things and sometimes with Web 3. So let’s understand the difference between all these terms. 

The Metaverse Vs Web3

Sometimes the phrase “metaverse” is used in conjunction with another trendy term, “Web3 and internet.” The two ideas are not the same and shouldn’t be used interchangeably, despite the fact that they both present a picture of the internet of the future. A decentralized internet with a blockchain foundation is referred to as Web3. The fundamental tenet of Web3 is that the dominance of the internet will eventually shift from a small group of tech behemoths to numerous ordinary users and developers. However, none of Web3’s fundamental principles conflicts with those of the metaverse. Both future views may coexist, it is completely plausible.

What Are the Differences Between Metaverses and the Internet?

How is the metaverse any different from the internet as it is today? It is a vast network that is always humming with activities where individuals remotely hang out with friends, make art, play games, and shop.

The internet has evolved into something called the metaverse, which is an embodied version of the internet that you are inside of rather than just having access to. The underlying architecture or protocol set of the internet won’t be completely replaced or changed by the metaverse. Instead, it will develop to add to it in a unique way that seems like building on top of it.

The Metaverse’s Operation

Theoretically, the metaverse functions by enabling an infinite number of individuals to synchronously connect with one another in real-time inside a constantly active virtual setting that is immersive, three-dimensional, and seamlessly related to our actual existence. In practice, it’s a challenging technological achievement to pull off. Such an endeavour calls for significant computer processing power as well as improvements in smartphones, game consoles, and VR and AR headset technology.

Additionally, joint ventures and coordination are quite important factors to see a unified, interoperable metaverse development. Information technology and gaming companies are still not coming together to develop a such piece of technology. However, the coordination in both is essential to see and in building a fully realized metaverse ecosystem. 

Accessing the Metaverse

Since the concept of a single metaverse is still hypothetical, there isn’t just one way to enter it right now. After stating that anyone wishing to engage in metaverse-like experiences had a variety of options:


  • Get a VR headset and participate in a community-focused VR experience like Horizon Worlds, VRChat, or Rec Room.
  • Open a free account on a platform where you can play games on a computer, mobile device, or gaming console, such as Roblox, Fortnite, or Minecraft.
  • Check out The Sandbox and Decentraland, two virtual worlds powered by Ethereum.

Besides all these factors and accessible approaches, you can also leverage metaverse in the event tech industry. To make your ground start leveraging webinar service provider solutions and develop things like avatars that these solution providers do in the virtual event. As this can be one step forward for this technology

Summing Up

The advanced metaverse technology is still to come but the slightly developed insights are making a lot of sounds. Investing and leveraging such services and technology can be beneficial to businesses and the whole event tech industry. In recent times in UAE, there have been a lot of webinars hosted on the metaverse and how you can utilize it in webinar hosting services. If you are an organisation that usually hosts such events then you must look into it.

Hope you get valuable insights about the metaverse from this article. Thank you for reading!!